Search results for: “NCLB”

  • LoTi: Elevating Expectations, Performance and Accountability

    These are my notes from Dean Mantz’s presentation “LoTi: Elevating Expectations, Performance and Accountability” at the TTT Conference in Wichita, Kansas, on 12 June 2008. From my work in Kentucky, rather than calling LoTi “levels of technology implementation” we started to call it “levels of technology innovation” LoTi goes back to 1994, developed by Dr.…

  • $100 million for a petaflop of performance

    Remember the ENIAC computer? (Well, I guess I’m not actually asking if you REMEMBER it– as in you SAW it in person– more if you read and learned about it in the past.) According to the current WikiPedia entry, it was unveiled in 1946 and cost approximately $500,000. ENIAC was designed and built to calculate…

  • links for 2008-05-28

    College Students Score Higher In Classes That Incorporate Instructional Technology Than In Traditional Classes 25 March 2008: Important article on coursecasting and blended learning (tags: coursecasting education research technology edtech learning EducationalResearch) Blended Learning: The Convergence of Online and Face-to-Face Education (PDF) North American Council for Online Learning (NACOL) report from spring 2008 about blended…

  • Reflections on IQ, cognitive development, and distributed learning

    If you and your students think you face “high stakes” for standardized tests taken at school this year, consider the case of Daryl Atkins, whose life was literally on the line based on his repeated test performances. His story is instructive not only because of the heavy weight it shows our society sometimes places on…

  • Looking beyond coercion, tests and seat time

    One of the paradoxical results of our politically-imposed focus on high stakes accountability and test scores in U.S. K-12 public schools is that many teachers and students have their eyes on minimum standards rather than exceptionally high expectations for each student’s learning and growth. Arnold Toynbee’s quotation of the day from my iGoogle portal resonates…

  • Talkin’ bout the revolution…

    I’m sharing the keynote address tomorrow morning here in Richardson, Texas, for Education Service Center Region 10’s 14th Annual Technology Planning Conference. The theme this year is “Assessment for a Web 2.0 World.” I shared a keynote here two years ago titled “The Vocabulary of 21st Century Learning.” It would be interesting to compare my…

  • links for 2008-05-01

    Connecticut’s NCLB Lawsuit Is Dismissed – On Education ( 29 Apr 2008 – Judge rules NCLB does not place unreasonable unfunded mandate burdens on states. (tags: nclb Politics education unitedstates) Metcalfe’s law – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Metcalfe’s law explains many of the network effects of communication technologies and networks such as the Internet, social…

  • Speak out and share your vision for education reform

    Christy Tvarok, in her post “Make Noise, Make Change,” encourages teachers around the United States to share their vision for educational change in our nation, particularly as it relates to digital literacy and technology integration. She is going to mail the aggregated responses directly to the current US candidates for President. Please add your perspectives…

  • Tools for facilitating PBL?

    Because of problems on the TechLearning blog with commenting, I am cross-posting this over here so you may comment on my blog if you are not able to comment there. (I wasn’t able to directly comment this morning on Dave Jakes’ post from yesterday, so I’m following his lead.) I’m a staunch advocate for project-based…

  • Death threats for test scores

    Kim Caise drew my attention this evening to the March 26, 2008 article in a San Antonio-based newspaper “Teachers say principal threatened to kill them if TAKS test scores didn’t improve.” Incredibly, the principal was apparently not kidding in issuing this death threat to his teachers. According to the article: Anita White, who taught at…